Current Member states

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Ethosia is a micronation claiming to be a sovereign state located on two separate parcels of land in St. Francois County, Missouri, and Vigo County, Indiana respectively. Ethosia is a Hastonian Democracy. The nation is part of the Ozark Sector. Ethosia was established on January 7th, 2020, declaring its independence as a unitary semi-presidential republic. Ethosia has a President, Prime Minister, and a democratically elected Parliament.

The Republic of Libertalia, more commonly known as Libertalia, is a micronation in Central Florida. The nation was founded on November 27th, 2017, by President Connor McLean, and joined the wider micronational community in summer 2018.

The Republic of Libertalia has gone by several names, most notably the Floridian Federation, and the UNAR (short for the United North American Republic), the current name came into use on November 27th, 2022.

The Principality of Vinland, more commonly known as Vinland, is a micronation located on the US eastern coast, and founded on the 14th December 2022 by the Prince of Vinland. 

The Empire of Great Esteria is a self-declared micronation situated in North America. Commonly known as Esteria, it asserts its sovereignty over the Island of Rockwall while maintaining its administrative operations within the United States.

Established with the aim of creating a distinct entity, Esteria functions as an independent micronation with its own government and governance structures. Despite its physical location within the United States, Esteria asserts its separate identity and exercises a degree of self-governance.

Lavari, officially known as the Kingdom of Lavari, is a micronation with territories located in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. It was founded on 10 June 2017 by Scott Lankford, who sits in the throne as King Scott I. It has 12 citizens. 

Republic of Vyzvaliatia 

A Micronation located in Minsk, currently in exile in UK.